tirsdag den 23. februar 2010

David Grossmans børnebog ”Duellen” oversat til dansk

Børnebogen ”Duellen” af den israelske forfatter David Grossman er blevet oversat til dansk af Jacob Melchior, illustreret af Lars Gabel og udgivet af forlaget Forum/Rosinante & Co.

Vi oplever her, hvordan det var for en dreng at vokse op i Jerusalem i 1960erne. Jeg-fortælleren David er 12 år, da handlingen udspiller sig. Han er ensom, trives med det, men moren bekymrer sig. Via skolen får han kontakt til en 70 år gammel mand, Rosentahl, som indvier David i sin brogede forhistorie med både nazister og intens kærlighed, og som bliver hans ven. Rosentahl udfordres af en tidligere ven til en duel med pistoler, og så får David seriøst travlt med at forsøge at forhindre dette.

torsdag den 11. februar 2010

Nadav Kander fotoudstilling "Obama's People" i København

Den London-baserede israelske fotograf Nadav Kander er aktuel i København med fotoudstillingen "Obama's people". ( Kunsthallen Nikolaj 23. januar - 14. marts)

Et år efter Barack Obamas indsættelse i Det Hvide Hus giver Kunsthallen Nikolaj et unikt indblik i den stab, der omgiver verdens mest magtfulde mand. Kort før Obamas tiltrædelse fotograferede den israelske fotograf Nadav Kander præsidentens 53 betroede medarbejdere fra udenrigsminister Hillary Rodham Clinton til den unge spindoktor Jon Favreau, den cowboyhat-klædte indenrigsminister Ken Salazar, Obamas afslappede personlige assistent Reggie Love og den republikanske forsvarsminister Robert M. Gates.Kander sætter ansigter på det ellers anonyme magtapparat bag præsidenten, og fotografierne viser en slående diversitet i alder, køn og etnisk baggrund blandt folkene bag Obama.

Adi Salant aktuel med "Spring Dance" d. 11-13. februar i Dansehallerne

Den israelske koreograf Adi Salant og hendes kollega Tim Rushton skabte i foråret 2009 den succesfulde dansenumre "Enigma".

Under perioden 11.-13. februar rammer Dansk Danseteaters igangværende Danmarksturné med titlen SPRING DANCE Vesterbro. I Dansehallerne kan man opleve kompagniets internationale dansere i et humoristisk værk af den israelske koreograf Adi Salant samt to fysiske værker af kompagniets kunstneriske leder Tim Rushton. Filminstruktøren Torben Glarbo afholder samme dag premiere for sin nye film DECODING. Dagen efter - fredag d. 12. februar kl. 18 kan man se filmen.


onsdag den 10. februar 2010

Interview with Israeli singer Harel Skaat

Harel Skaat is Israel’s most promising export this year – literally. The singer has been chosen to represent his country in the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest, an honor only a select few get to have.

But Skaat has been a fan favorite in Israel for years before receiving this honor. In 2004, he was the runner-up for "A Star is Born" (Israel’s version of American Idol). While he didn’t win the show, his season finale performance broke a record by topping the official Israeli Music Channel charts for 80 days.

Skaat released his debut album in 2006. It reached gold status after just three weeks, which turned into platinum not much later. He was named Singer of the Year by virtually all the Israeli radio stations and won multiple awards at the Israeli Music Channel Awards.

In 2007 and 2008, Skaat embarked on a tour involving 200 shows. He released his sophomore album, "Figures", the next year to rave reviews. The 28-year-old singer ended 2009 with news that he was selected by the Israeli Broadcasting Authority to represent Israel at the 2010 Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo.

What drew you to music?

Ever since I can remember, I have been singing. I was born with an inherent love for music, a love which has developed and grown through the years. In music I find love, hate, compassion, and each and every possible emotion that enhances our experiences in life.

How has your new album "Figures" been received in Israel so far?

So far, the album has been doing very well. I have been receiving great reactions by people of different ages, from all walks of life, who really connect to the music and lyrics. I was very involved in the writing of Figures and I feel that it represents a more mature me, and therefore am thrilled that it touches so many people.

Is it true that the album is being launched internationally?

The album is already available on eBay and it will soon be featured on iTunes.
Congratulations on Eurovision, that’s a huge honor.

Where were you when you found out you were chosen?

I was actually at a great festival in the south of Israel, where I was performing French Chansons.

Do you know what song you’re singing for the contest yet?

I am in the process of looking for the song.

When can we expect to see you on tour? Will there be any Canadian and US shows?

I am constantly performing in Israel and hope to come to the US and Canada in the summer! If you invite me, I can come as soon as tomorrow!

Every artist has a different songwriting process. What's yours like?

To me writing is not a process but rather a very powerful - and being so self critical, also a very difficult -spiritual journey. Whenever I write, I always feel a spiritual connection to God.

Would you ever collaborate with anyone from "A Star is Born"?

Many great talents and voices were discovered on that show and if the right opportunity presents itself, I will not say no!

What else do you have planned for 2010?

My dream is to tour the world, to be healthy and never, ever, stop singing.

Reprinted with permission from Shalom Life